Kuchipudi is one of the eight major Indian classical dance form that tells stories from Indian mythology through body movements and expressions. As a six-year Kuchipudi dancer, I have gained valuable experience and knowledge about Indian mythology, and formed lifelong relationships. The performance requires characters to work together and overcome obstacles, resulting in improved social skills and discipline. Though beautiful Kuchipudi costumes, hair, makeup, and ornaments are heavy and difficult to move in, often requiring heavy wigs, gold ornaments, and yarn to hold hair in place. Dancing in this attire requires a lot of endurance and oblivion to the discomfort. Despite these challenges, Kuchipudi has helped me grow in many ways. In fact, Classical Indian dance and the practice of yoga very much compliment one another, they can be seen as interchangeable concepts with each emphasising different aspects of the breath or breathing, movement and intellectual and spiritual awareness. After being involved in this sublime art form for so many years, I started developing interest in every aspect of this art form and started my research on the Kuchipudi. The theoretical foundation of Kuchipudi is established back to the early Sanskrit manuscript on the performing arts called ‘Natya Shastra’ which is endorsed to Indian theatrical and musicologist, the Bharata Muni. The full version of the text was believed to be first completed between 200 BCE to 200 CE. As I delved deeper during my research, I had discovered an opportunity to be certified in Kuchipudi. I started my Kuchipudi certifications from Silicon Andhra University. Out of the 4 levels, I have finished 2 levels(junior certification) and acquired 16 university creaits. I am currently preparing to finish 3rd level certification this year. From my first performance in 2018 to my latest in 2023, This page features videos and pictures of some of my performances, providing a glimpse into the beauty and complexity of this challenging classical dance form.
Though I have given a lot of Kuchipudi performances, Considering the privacy issues I am only posting the videos of my Solo performances. Below are the videos.